Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Wonderful ways to say your name...

Well I actually decided not to take he job as a bartender! I just felt like I wouldn't be there very long and that wasn't fair to them. So I am working MAC and nanny! I have recently downloaded the CD "Simple" by Suzy Wills and I love it! And The Lord has recently put an amazing friend in my life her name is Mallory! It's weird, it's like we are Kindreds! This CD is heaven I am getting wrecked by it! I love it, I need so much more of God in my life. He is teaching me so much about going 40 miles an hour instead of 90! It seems like I am finally getting this lesson! It has taken at least the last two years of my life. I realized i had been going around the same mountain! this looks familiar I would say, Oh b'cuz I have been here it was just a different season. But it is time to move on to a different mountain! I am almost done with this stretch I think at least! we will see!

Mallory is freakin amazing! I absolutely love her! We have so much fun together and get blasted in Jesus! Being around her makes my hunger for Jesus more! She is a giant killer in my life! and I want to be a giant killer so we hang out! I am very blessed! October is HUGE! It is the new year for the hebrew-jewish culture! We are stepping into a season of seeing the fruit of our faith and seeing the fruit of the promises of God! This next season for God is huge! It is harvest time! Out faith is the most precious thing we have. Paul said we would fight the good fight of faith and there has been a fight but we are about to see the fruit of it I know it! Have faith, believe and don't give up, fight the good fight of faith! That is the only fight we have! Man if the enemy can take that from us then he has defeated us! But if we believe, if we have Faith then we have won! So keep believing, we can never have to much faith! You can never believe to much! Keep moving forward in faith! You will see the fruit of it!

Jesus is teaching me about this, perserverance, endurance and 40 miles an hour!

A quick note....
A couple of years ago on the coast at Jesus in the Park, Katie and I met these guys in a band (Bleach) and didn't realize it but anyways, we were joking around with them and being goofy like always! Well I talked to one of them last night, not realizing it! Anywho it was cool, small world!



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