Tuesday, March 06, 2012

25 not so random things about me

1. The things I love change on a daily basis, but when I'm loving what I'm loving, I'm really loving it. Don't you love that?!?!

2. I'm convinced that sugar is possibly the worst thing you could ever put in your body.... but i eat it everyday and cant seem to stop.

3.I don't mind being wrong... because anything other than spiritual issues I usually am wrong.. haha

4.My favorite foods are greek and indian, but if i had to choose a food to eat everyday it would be mexican

5.My favorite flavor of ice cream is cookies n cream loaded.....

6. I love Justin Timberlake, Brittney Spears, Backstreet Boys, Nsync, Prince and Michael Jackson and not ashamed about it... what NOW?!?!

7.If I could do anything and get paid for it, I'd be a professional hip hop dancer.

8. I hate cold weather... I absolutely think it is from lucifer himself.

9. If I could be any animal I would be a tiger, lion, or elephant... haha.. or maybe an eagle.... no wait ... I'd be an otter.... actually, I dont know what I'd be.

10. I am often indecisive but only on things that aren't important.

11. Im wondering if I will make it to #25...?!?!?!

12. I have pretty feet and hands... so I've been told.

13. I often have my very own dance parties by myself.... its so much fun!!!

14. I am a make-up artist but wear as little makeup as possible when possible.

15. I am a twin... and no we aren't identical, my twin is a male.... His name is Matthew.

16. Also my older brothers are twins as well, and they are identical.

17. I think my mom is one of the most AMAZING women I know, how could she not be, i mean I'm a product of her.... also my sister is pretty amazing as well...

18. I lived in Africa, went to iris mission school but never went to class...

19. I am often considered the rebel christian (" in the christian legalistic world") who is wild and free and I LOVE IT!!! Just proves how amazing and fun God is.

20. My favorite place I have ever been is London.

21. I don't care about being cool, although I am.... I can't help it, it just comes naturally. hahaha and i think Im possibly one of the funniest people ever.

22. my only transportation is a scooter... or the bus... I opt the scooter

23. I believe music is the one universal thing in life that alters any atmosphere, (obviously besides God)

24. I love my single life.. although one day I would like to get married...but right now being single is so much fun!!!

25. I love the sun and being outside.... parks, grass and trees are my friends!!


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