Saturday, March 03, 2012

What if?

I am so thankful for my life. I feel so richly blessed. Of course all is not the exact way that I would have it, but it is on its way, and I am thankful. I am thankful to a very good God. I am thankful for love. love is such a beautiful thing, it's offer is endless, it has no limits. Think about that, love has no limits. Love will go as far, as wide, as deep as you will let it. It has no capacity limits. Whoa!!! That is really crazy to think about. The only person that stops love is yourself. Even if someone doesn't receive it, you don't have to stop loving, the love doesn't have to stop!!! That is craziness. That is God. His love is endless. No limit. NO LIMITS. You see as humans we limit our love because it's conditional. " I'll love you if you love me back, I'll love you if you don't hurt me,If you keep me safe, if you keep your promises, if, if, if,..." so because we think like that, our love has conditions, it has limits, it has boundaries. But what if we loved like God does, how we were intended to love, as being human was suppose to be? What if I loved you regardless of how much you hurt me, what if I loved you regardless of wether you loved me back, what if I loved you regardless of wether you kept your word, what if I loved you through the wounding, the beatings( of the heart) the heartache, what if I just LOVED? What if as " Christians" this really was our M/O. What if?

Dream a little dream with me.... Let's go down this road... Let's meditate on all that is true, all that is noble, all that is right, all that is pure, all that is lovely, all that is admirable, all that is excellent of praiseworthy, let's start here.... Let's start at the very basic level. When you focus on the good, love becomes such a natural process of purifying all that is not love! I mean if you do this first thing in the morning, it just sets your day off right, in order. When you concentrate on love, on all those things that are listed above, how can you not be filled with love, that overflows onto other people, how could it not be contagious? things will come up eventually, such as if there is any unforgiveness in your heart, you will need to deal with, love and forgiveness go hand in hand. I often think about a scene in the movie "Elizabeth" with Cate Blanchett, when they have gone to war, and she has locked up the one guy she loved because he betrayed her, and they needed everyone to fight so she says "free him" and her chief commander, says" but your majesty, he is a traitor" she drops to her knees and says " he is forgiven, he is forgiven, because I too long to be forgiven"
That is such a powerful line, forgive because you too long to be forgiven, what a concept! Seems so simple but so powerful. So as we are journeying back to being human, as was intended, we focus on love and forgive who needs to be forgiven. There is freedom in both. You will feel lighter. Jesus said my yolk is easy and my burden is light, why do you think that is so? Because He lived out of a place of love and constant forgiveness.... That was HIS M/O. That should be ours as well....


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