Thursday, October 06, 2005

Random love...

Well my week has been crazy watching kids! But it has been fun! I dropped them off at the airport tonight! I have her lexus which is awesome! She lets me drive it all the time! I love that frekin car! It so fits me, I look so hot in it!

JESUS is so awesome! I love him tons! Man and to think he loves me more! that is so crazy to think about but true!

Mallory and Lauren are coming over to hang out tonight! And I am going to watch CSI! I have tv for two days, so I can watch CSI! I love that show!

Something is happening, right now! There has been a shift! Every time He moves His eyes something is happening, everytime He moves His face something happens! He is absolutely amazing and totally for us! WOW! What an amazing God I serve!

I love him!



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