Thursday, November 30, 2006


my life screams nothing other than weakness. the longer i am here the more i realise that i really do have nothing to offer the world. i am not strong, i am not rich, i am not full of wisdom, i do not carry the materials for building a life successfully. i really am nothing. i was telling God this the other day. we had this conversation. and He says to me Priscilla you are right, you are nothing. But i am everything, and you providing your weakness to the world, you living in the grace to be weak makes me that much stronger. that is when i am made strong. i dont want you to live any other way but to be vulnerable to be the weaker vessel. my heart is being weaken. the question is often asked here, and im sure otheres will also ask when i leave. what did you come here for? what are you leaving with? well i have two weeks left and i do believe that what i came here for and what i am leaving with is the grace to be weak. to not have it all together, not knowing what my life looks life for the next 10 years. i am leaving here with more grace, more freedom to be weak, and encourage others to live a life of weakness so God can shine through and be made strong. in our weakness Hs is made strong. i think he weaker we are, the more of the revelation of our weakness we have, the more room there is for love, the more room there is for people in our lives, the more room there is for Him to come in and invade our hearts with love. weakness is a powerful thing. I believe weakness is a tool that is given to us if we embrace it to be full of love. God make more like that.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

quick quick

hey peeps just wanted say hi, the power keeps cutting off and on so this has to be short. i love you, im doing great. i cant wait to see all of you again. love you a ton. ok quick quick before the power goes out again. bye.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

the beach

ok so you know you are in africa when all you do is sit around and talk about your bowel movements, or the last one that you havents had. thank God that i havent had that problem. im really loving it here. but i do have to say that i am glad that i am an american, and that i am going back to London. Africa is amazing and the beach that i sat at all day yesterday was amazing but.... yeah i like to be clean. my feet i believe have a permanent color of orange to them. and i believe that my constant friend that i dont want is BO. haha but im enjoying my time with God and iahve madea really cool friend, her name is Grace. she is awesome, you can often find us at the beach or on the back veranda at my house, and often the boys seem to join us, that is tyler and alex. we it finally doesnt seem like an over spiritual church camp and has become life. i go to class when i want and when i have had enough i leave. which is quite often. but for the most part i am really enjoying it. i love Jesus, and He is why i am here. not a class. i just want Jesus, and i am getting Him. He is sweet and i cant wait to see how much i have gotten when the 3 months are over. so far nothing extremely exciting has happened. it is pretty simple which is how i pretty much live anyways, so there hasnt been much of an adjustment for me. at first i was wondering why i was here, and now i just dont care, and im going to enjoy every bit of it, whatever that looks like, whether it is worshipping Jesus, playing with the kids, sitting with my new friend angelina that sells peanuts down the road, talking to the guards down at the pemba beach hotel, or just sitting at the beach at the pemba beach hotel. whatever it is, im letting go and enjoying it. im getting an amazing tan i do have to say. i really like that. but anyways, that is about it.
so until nex time....ciao ciao ...

i have been hit on by a guy from potugal and a guy from austrailia. that was funny. man, i tell you the glory of God is just beautiful... and well i guess i am too. haha