Thursday, November 30, 2006


my life screams nothing other than weakness. the longer i am here the more i realise that i really do have nothing to offer the world. i am not strong, i am not rich, i am not full of wisdom, i do not carry the materials for building a life successfully. i really am nothing. i was telling God this the other day. we had this conversation. and He says to me Priscilla you are right, you are nothing. But i am everything, and you providing your weakness to the world, you living in the grace to be weak makes me that much stronger. that is when i am made strong. i dont want you to live any other way but to be vulnerable to be the weaker vessel. my heart is being weaken. the question is often asked here, and im sure otheres will also ask when i leave. what did you come here for? what are you leaving with? well i have two weeks left and i do believe that what i came here for and what i am leaving with is the grace to be weak. to not have it all together, not knowing what my life looks life for the next 10 years. i am leaving here with more grace, more freedom to be weak, and encourage others to live a life of weakness so God can shine through and be made strong. in our weakness Hs is made strong. i think he weaker we are, the more of the revelation of our weakness we have, the more room there is for love, the more room there is for people in our lives, the more room there is for Him to come in and invade our hearts with love. weakness is a powerful thing. I believe weakness is a tool that is given to us if we embrace it to be full of love. God make more like that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey friend. It was so great to read about your journey. I kept asking people if they had heard from you. I saw Danny and Sheri at church here a few weeks ago.
The ocean is pretty much my backyard. Life is good here. I am so at peace. I am jealous though that you are so tan!!! Love ya and you are in my prayers

11/30/2006 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a beautiful post my friend. So good! I love you very much and am dying to hear your laugh. So proud of your new adventures, Jesus loves to takes us places where we must trust Him fully. Keep going dear one.
love your face,

11/30/2006 6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are beautiful. thank you for sharing with us.

love you my friend!


12/01/2006 9:48 AM  

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