Friday, October 07, 2005

Anything and everything is possible....

Well I am off to go change my tags on my car over to tennessee! After a year and 4 months I am finally making it a priority! I love my california tags! I changed my liscense already, and the picture is great! Oh and i figured out how to post links! I got smart! Im so excited! Anyways, my day is filled with little nothings but I look hot doing it! Im waiting for something big to happen and in the meantime I am trying to get more of Jesus!

I went to visit our old stomping ground Diaryland and read stephs diary it made me sad! It is the end of something and it mad me kinda sad! Not just the end to Diaryland but to that part of our life. mmmmm, go read hers and you will see!

Kayle, I love you tons! I saw the picture of you and mommy dearest and I wanted to hug you and when I tried my head hit the screen pretty hard, I thought maybe if I believed hard enough I could be transported thru the screen yeah, it didn't work! Stupid screen! I was remembering when we were in san fran and i danced with the draq queen! And how you have it on video laughing cuz you knew she was and I didn't! yeah I need to find that video it was funny!

ok memory land is done for now! gotta run.......those dots are me running!


Blogger kaylealive said...

Hahahaha!! You have no idea how many people I tell about the dancing drag queen story. It really is in the top three stories of all time for my life. I think it will stay in that place forever!

Speaking of bashing your head into the computer screen... want to try something with me? I heard of someone starting to walk through walls by faith. They say, "I can walk through walls in Jesus name" and then give it a shot. So I've started doing that with doors. I've plowed into all three of them so far. Let's see who can do it first! Hahahahaha!! I really did!!

10/07/2005 12:30 PM  

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