Monday, September 24, 2007

as i often do...

this morning i was interested to see what i was doing a year ago this time, what Papa was doing in me and so forth. so i go back and read journals and this blog. i was getting ready for london and africa. it doesnt seem like it was a year ago. it seems like it just happened and at the same time it all seems so far away. but as i read my adventures with Holy spirit and Laura. i laughed with tears. i miss london. i love england, i wanna go back so badly. i wanna see mike and rose again. and lil flashy. actually i liked her other dog better, just cant remember its name. anyways, miss london. hopefully when im done with the course im about to take, ..well i have plans. lets just hope they all come thru. anyways just a thought of my life a year ago from now. i love travelling the world, and cant wait to continue my journey of doing so. i love my life. i love Jesus. damn He's jsut so good!!! i feel so thankful to have Him in my life. thx Holy Spirit! you freakin rock my world, haha, no litterally!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

He loves me

I love that HE loves me. HE loves me, He loves me, He loves me! thats the best thing ive ever heard. no matter what, HE loves me! now thats good. it keeps me in his presence, in his arms, in his love. as long as im there, im good. im His friend. his beloved. i love that!

Monday, September 17, 2007

change of address

its funny... i changed my address today. as i did it, it felt good. in the last 4 years i have kept my mom's address as my permanent address. but today i just changed that. since i have been back from africa everything has been different. you know you always hear people say " this is going to change your life" and you come back from a trip and your still the same, a little disappointed that things still look the same, smell the same, taste the same, feel the same. well i went to africa/ london and had the time of my life. it was so much fun. i spent every moment with Holy Spirit, laughing, relaxing and being with great people. i came back from that trip, i thought the same, but when i got back into the states... my life freakin turned upside down. i was faced with moments of compromise that i thought i was beyond, i had walked passed. but as i stood there and they looked me straight in the eye i found myself making decisions out of a place that was wounded, broken and hurting. places i thought were healed..i found out in a moment of weakness werent. but all this to say the beginning of this year changed my relationship a bit with Holy Spirit. not in a bad way, it just changed. as relationships do, it jsut changed. we were still friends but not like it was. i think that i felt a little abandoned by Him. i felt like a the time i didnt have any friends that really understood what was happening to me or that really wanted to bc they were dealing with thier own crap. so my father wound of feeling abandoned just went a little deeper in those months. but really in those few months was the first time i had ever rreally allowed myself to feel the intensity of the pain from the wound. Holy Spirit came in and started the healing process. and it has been a continual process throughout this whole year, which is making me more whole. but today as i was looking for another job, running errands, i felt this thing in me longing for Holy Spirit the way we use to be. i want to talk to me in the middle of the night like he use to. wake me up bc he was so excited to see me face, look into my eyes. tell me things about people in the day and morning. i miss Him. we are still friends. good friends. but i want it again, the closeness and this time i want it to be more than what it was. i think that has been the reason i have felt the way i had the other night alone. it has brought me to this place of re-evaluating my life with Holy Spirit and realizing what it is thats really going on. im being brought to this place again to get closer to Him. and this time, its not bc im broken and wounded so badly, its jsut simply to be with HIm, like we use to be and more. that makes me excited. bc the truth is he never leaves me, and im not alone. my address has changed but we are still together. im going to have my time with Holy Spirit. im longing for HIm so badly. im glad im here. i like LA, its just another city. but when i walk the streets and see the loneliness in peoples eyes. i know that i have something to offer. love. it works, i promise. i just want to love. knowing that HolySpirit asked me to be here, i see why now. and that makes it all worth while.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

as i sit in the dark listening to jason upton...i feel this familiar season coming up on me again. or this familiar feeling of being alone. i feel alone. im listening to jason upton, the song im not alone, you never leave me. but in the natural i feel all alone. being real. for the first time in a long time...i feel alone!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

soverignty of God

God in all of His soverign ways, yet amazes me once again. i love His goodness. you know after living this type of lifestyle you would think that i wouldnt be amazed any more, after seeing His goodness prevail over and over again. but i am. HS goodness never ceases to amaze me. i enrolled at Santa Monica college. i start classes oct 22. i got a job. im working a resturaunt serving and hostess. i figure while i am in school that is good enough and up until i start im going to try and work as much as possible. God is good. i have a place to live, a job and im going to cosmetology school. wow, i feel like i am starting a new chapter in my life. i guess i am in a way. wwwhhhoooaaa, Holy Spirit just came in. man, i miss that. i miss having those moments as often as i use to. when i was in africa i spent littereally every day with Holy Spirit, every moment. it was such a beautiful season in my life. But He told me to soak it all in bc there was a season coming that would look very different. and im thinking this may be the season that He was talking about. dont get me wrong we are still best of buds... but it just looks different. sometimes it makes me a little sad, especially when i have those moments of.... "aaahhhhhhh yeh, that is good." but i know that this is just a season as well. and im excited about my life. i like my life. i mean sometimes i make really dumb decisions but luckily for me HS has already factored them into my life. im very thankful for what HS is doing in my life. i really dont think that i could ask for any better. I have Him and honestly, with HIm leading me i really couldnt get any better. Because He is the best. nothing else matters, Him loving me is the only thing that matters. as long as i know fn good. haha. i love Him, o so much. He is soverign in His ways. completely and totally.