Saturday, October 08, 2005

my next life....

I decided that in my next life I will be sex! Since I have never had it but want it so bad and I know it is good because God said it was then why not be it! Then everyone would have great sex, if I were sex! We would just have to make it holy all the time, there would be no unwanted sex, and not because you are tired because you wouldn't have that excuse because it would always be great! But no rapes, or molesting, you know sick stuff like that! No, it would be great because I would be it! I would be worn the heck out! Ok I wouldn't be a person having sex with everyone, I would actually be it! Ok this is kinda gross! I'll stop there....God is good amen!

So the last few days have been great here! It has felt like fall! I love it! Except for the fact that I don't have any fall clothes or winter clothes! This could be sad! Because I hate being cold! But I really like it right now!

So I am waiting for a certain person to call me and they haven't! I am very sad, but not really! I am giving them some space, but I really want to talk! Because I love talking to them, I laugh and have a great time, what a good friend they have been but I don't know what is going on right now? I though we were great friends but right now it doesn't seem like it! O, well God is in control! And that is a good thing!

I love Life, isn't it adventurous!!! Isn't full of great surprises? Isn't it wondeful to live in the moment of what God is doing now? right now in our lives? take a moment to step back and live in the moment right now and see what God is doing! It is good!


Blogger kaylealive said...

Yeah. This was probably the strangest blog entry of anyone's, anywhere that I have read... ever. But I laughed... God is good, Amen?

10/08/2005 11:28 AM  

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