Monday, March 27, 2006

rockin my face

I am learning how to recieve the love from my bridegroom! Relationships are the ultimate sacrafice and death to self. Although they are beautiful and lovely they are death. The ultimate way to manifest Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, the ultimate example of love! Jesus did it for us, He died, a sacrafice! We are (realtionships between man and woman) compared to Christ and the church. How Christ(man) died for the bride(woman) to show His love for her, and in return the church is to lay down thier lives, pick up thier cross daily and die to self. So it works both ways, we both die! It is a beautiful death though! It is ultimately about me being His bride, for the reward, any price is worth it! I will die a painful death just to see His face. I will pay any price here on earth to see the more of Him in my life. I am His bride and He has given me everything! I love Him and my love for Him continues to grow so much more than I know how to comprehend or articulate! I dont believe that there are any words to describe it! Papa has been teaching me so much in the last 2 weeks especially, that right now it feels a bit overwhelming to even try to communicate it b/c I still am trying to soak it all in and let it settle in me! I just love HIm so much He is rockin my frekin face off!



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