Monday, March 13, 2006

chew the fat

hey there world! the great big vast world of bloggers! what are we talking about tonight well, let me see...

let's take a minute and talk about what is going on in the spirit realm! It has been so crazy obviously we all know that I have issues I am working thru and it isnt Just me, it is all across the board, the church body! anyways, I have been having some crazy dreams lately, and if you are too, listen to them...they mean something! But my dreams have been about warring in the spirit and taking back what is already ours, what the enemy has stolen from us! Not tolerating his SHIT anymore! B/c we dont have to! It is all about faith and the only sin under the new covenant is unbelief! We as a church need to repent for unbelief and come into agreement with what is ours and take it back! Having faith is the key! The enemy can only delay the plans of the Father, not ruin them, and we can counteract it by faith! At least this is what I am believing that is truth.....o b/c it is! Jesus has given us seeds of promise and the enemy wants to kill steal and destroy them before you give birth to it, dont let him! He cant do it, he has no right! We are on the edge, about to birth something huge and satan is frekin out..pulling out all his tactics, but it wont work! BECAUSE I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE................

I got trashed at church on sunday so much so, I couldnt drive and had my car stopped in the middle of the road and mark had to pick me up and mal helped put me into someone elses car b/c I was wasted.....I think the most I have ever been...well at least in a really long time... like years. It was lasted for hours! my head was so heavy, it felt wierd! well chew the fat!


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