Saturday, September 02, 2006

baptize my heart

im realizing how easy it is for us to follow closely. in a day, it can happen. something switched a couple of weeks ago. i was taken to a new level. if im not in my word daily, knowing the truth daily, the temptations are going to be more tempting. easier to fall. before it didnt seem to matter, i guess where i was, it didnt seem to affect me as much if i wasnt in the word. but as of late it is really affecting me. i guess maybe bc im stepping into places where the reality of evil is much more prevelant. i must stay in the word, on my face before Him. if i dont it wont be pretty.

i was reading in james last night and this morning. James 1:13-14

it is talking about dont let anyone say he is being tempted by God when temptaion comes. and then proceeds to say that each man is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.

the word lust there means desire, a longing.
which i thought interesting. we hear a teaching that our desires are from God, but obviously they all arent. bc following all of them can lead you into sin. this is for me, im preaching to myself here. ive been thinking about this alot lately, how many times have i wanted something that wasnt of Papa. a ton. i believe that when we are so emmersed in the presence of God that His desires become our desires and our desires become His desires bc our hearts become one with His. I serve a great God and He knows best all the time, i dont.

baptize my heart with your fire, desire come and
baptize my heart with your fire, desire come and
i dont be offended, no i dont want to be offended
i dont be offended, no i dont want to be offended
when its all coming down.

baptize my heart with your fire, desire come and
baptize my heart with your fire, desire come and
baptize my heart with your fire, desire
i dont be offended, no i dont want to be offended
i dont be offended, no i dont want to be offended

the only safe place is in the center of the flame
the only only safe place is in you


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