Wednesday, August 23, 2006

this is good

so last night a friend and i were talking about our generation and what Holy Spirit is asking of us. this is the revelation that we got and are continuing to get.

He is asking a question, will you? will you raise the bar, the standard for what it looks like to be in realtionship with me. will you give your life? will you give up your own will? your own agendas? will you be set apart and not look like the world? will you look like Me? will you? will you be holy as He is holy? will you get lower still? will you.... this is a time where He is asking the question and He is looking for a army a generation that will be about what He is about. You know we hear this message about co-partnering with God, that He is asking the question "what do you want" but if you look at the life of Jesus, when did God ever ask the question to His Son" what do you want to do", Jesus said that He only did what He saw the Father doing. You see not only was Jesus 100% God but He was also 100% man. He was perfect. He was man. we can attain this i believe. i believe it was elijah or maybe it was elisha, the point is he was so close to God that He got taken up with out dying. in a world that was full of sin. he was considered holy. what does that look like to be so close to Him that you are taken away. we have to be full of love, holy, pure of heart. have faith. always believing. in our generation there is a lot of good, but right now God is in the process of purifying. our generation has a independent spirit that is not from Him and they mistake it for freedom. freedom is completely different than independence. we think that we can be free to do what we please bc God wants what we want, we think that freedom looks like drinking excessively, smoking, cursing bc we arent bound by the law we can do these things, there is grace is what's said. but that is aggrogance, thinking that the ones before us have ran a race for nothing. and in the past i have been guilty of these things, but God is asking the question who do you look like? not me! where is the standard, who will step up to the plate and look like me, truly look like me. i am looking for a spotless, blameless bride. you think that my spirit is going to come and do something new??? but there is nothing new under the sun. i am not a religious person at all, but the Lord is giving me revelation of where we are getting it wrong and the revelation of what is right. in 2 peter 2:2 it says that people will come and speak falsely and the truth will look evil. it will look religious. our generation thinks that any kind of structure looks religious, chains and being bound. but that isnt it. if Jesus came to set us free, why then would He haven given us the way to live and not to live. if there is freedom in Him, then what we shouldnt do is for our freedom in Him. 2 peter 1 talks about if we live a certain way, we wont stumble, we will be free in the revelation of the cross. He is ushering in a move of Holiness, a move that will stand when the enemy comes bc we have founded ourselves in the word and what is true. a true freedom that cannot be taken away even unto death. we have this misconception that our life is suppose to be good, but by whose standards? Pauls life was good, by the sight of the Lord, Stephen's life was good, he was martyrd. He was stoned to death. in God's eyes that was good. what is your idea of good? im not sure that we know what good is. we want comfort and convience and that is whats said to be good. who's standards are we living by? the worlds? or Gods? God is looking for a people that are going to say YES. that will count the cost as worth it. that will sacrafice to look like Him. He is looking for a people that will not have any agenda but His. HIS WILL be done on earth as it is heaven. when we are so emmerced in HIM, we want what He wants, and the cost is beautiful. are you willing to be set apart, undivided focus on Him. what are you willing to give, to do? this is a time that is crucial in the spirit and in the natural. He is asking the question. will you say yes. the time is NOW, He is asking.


Blogger Duffy said...

Nice; this is one of the best posts on any blog I've read in a looong time. I have heard through the grapevine that you're going to be attending Holy Given; good stuff. You sound like your already ready. Too bad we couldn't have met while I was in Nashville, I leave tomorrow. Anyways, bless you, and may the Lord guide you more fully into His glorious freedom of holiness.

8/24/2006 8:09 AM  

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