Friday, September 01, 2006


omg...the Lord is showing me His soverignity day after day. He is so freakin big. the God that created the universe, spoke the world into exsistence LOVES ME. how freaking cool is that. i just wanna stay in His presence all the time and the good thing about that desire is that it can happen. He is constantly reminding me of His goodness. im sitting here and im smiling at the soverignty of His unfailing goodness. in the last 2 weeks or so, well really all th time but more so in the last few weeks than normal, i have realized how super small and how unqualified i am, and how i am all wrong for what im about to do. but that makes me smile. that makes me laugh bc that means that God has to show up. it is amazing how in our weakness, well admitting our weakness brings strength. and that in our weakness our God is strong. He gets to be Him. He gets to do what He does best and that is be God. I love it.

last night i went down to the foundry. and Bob Jones was speaking and it was so good. He said exactly what me, Laura and Lareasa have been talking about. It was crazy and i realized that I needed some serious deliverance. hahaha o, dear God help me. haha. well i guess all that will come in time. im excited about going to africa and some of my issues that i was having, not with africa, but some things that could potentially come up, i did feel leave yesterday. Laura, you know what I am talking about. i got delivered last night from it. it is amazing really. i feel free in that area. It is funny how there is a fear of deliverance, afraid a demon will come out that i didnt know i had and make a scene. hahahha but once delivreance happens, you are free. so although im afraid, i still do it. hahaha


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