Monday, September 21, 2009

coming down

I use to be up there. but now I am level. where is the balance. where is the faith in balance. Is everything black and white. or do we walk thru life getting older to find out there is grey as well, and more grey than there is black and white. To admit there is more grey in life than definites is admitting that there is a lot that we do not know. As humans we dont like to admit that we dont know something. I am finding that there is something extremely freeing in not knowing. It kinda gives up the control in "having to know" how it all is going to work out and how it is suppose to work out. I think that there is more faith in the grey parts of life than there is the black and white parts of life. it makes life much more interesting not knowing, knowing that you have to TRUST that everything really does work out for the good of those who love. and LOVE HIM. I love the concept of love. I love God, He amazes me everyday. I hope that I never stop falling in love with HIM.


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