Sunday, March 05, 2006

freedom is coming!

Well another day has come and gone and surfaced more issues!Friday was great, I woke with the sense that I need to get delivered, litterally from fear that had surfaced from the previous 5 days! So with much desperation, I found freedom! It was awesome and then Saturday came and I spent the first part of the day at Starbucks outside listening to music and enjoying the freedom I had recieved the day before! Well, then as the day progresses more issues start to surface. really you would thinkI was all issued out! I go to my friends house and realize that about 5 more issues surface and this time it is even more overwhelming than the day before. WOW who knew I had all this fear in me? dont answer that! But really it is so overwhelming almost to the point that I cant handle it. My deliverance and freedom is so important, for others to recieve the same freedom and deliverance it is so much bigger than I am. This last week is so huge in my life that I havent even been able to do anything but focus on what is in front of me! I AM BEING SET FREE! I will walk in truth for the rest of my life not only knowing in my heart but knowing in my mind,my mind truly being transformed and me being renewed, it says we are to renew our minds daily! God is doing this to me, I am being renewed!My mind is being renewed with Gods truth and not what I believe to be truth but His truth! Whatever that may be, I BELIEVE! I BELIEVE I BELIEVE!!!!!!!



Blogger Mallory said...

You are amazing. You are wonderful. You are beautiful...even as I look behind me and a buggie is hanging from your right nostril, a steam of drool is flowing from the right corner of your mouth and a a sound similar of a cow giving an excruciating birth, wishing only the possibility of an epidural had made into the animal kingdom, is resounding from the couch....ahhahahhahahsoooo just kidding! I love you and you're right...

3/06/2006 8:36 AM  

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