Saturday, February 11, 2006

I am me

Everyday I am realizing who I am more and more. I am realizing that the older I get the more extreme I become and the more dangerous I become for Jesus and just in life. I have always been one who goes on impulse, just a whim, and people have often had thier critical remarks to say about it, and in my immaturity I have allowed it to effect me. But as the years are going by and I become more and more comfortable in my own skin, and love who I am becoming and dont care, and I like me, not just love me but like myself. I really like it... and I have been finding myself more and more in things that people would not normally put me. I am breakin boxes that I have put myself in and others and I love it.

Did you know that I love radio doesnt work in my car and hasnt for years. I never listen to the radio or cds in my car and if I had the choice more often than not I would opt to not listen to it. I enjoy the silence in my car with my Jesus. Most never know that, and would never know that, and never expect that from me.

I also love shocking people, that isnt a shock. I want people to know me but to always expect the unexpected. whether it looks like something ordinary or out of the ordinary. I am a woman in the fullness of God and I am loving who I am becoming with all of its looks.

I am living life to the fullest everyday. It might look like watching a movie with a great cup of joe, it might look like praying for people, seeing the power of God manifest at cafe coco, maybe it is being at the beach taking in all the beauty God has created. Whatever it is, I am living it. I love my amazing creator, He is so Hot! I love Him.


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