Friday, March 10, 2006

laugh heard round the world

So yesturday was so amazing for me....It was healing and glorified laughter filling the air. As I sat outside of starbucks with friends laughing so hard that I was crying, couldnt breathe and my stomach about to burst with pain, I was laughing so hard. I love those laughs, I havent laughed that hard, Id say in at least a year! It was a long time coming! I think the last time I laughed that hard was with Katieann and Kayle. I use to laugh that hard daily, but I have been the funny in my life, not others. Not that others arent funny, they are, but equally as funny as me. So not much difference.....But anyways, it was so good. I actually think that this couple got up and left b/c I was laughing so hard and loud. I just couldnt help myself, there was no keeping that laughter quiet, not even if I tried. I miss laughing that much, I dont think I laugh enough, I laugh alot, but not enough. I want to laugh more.

As I have been writing the last 2 weeks, I am dealing with issues! I felt today the Lord remind me of something I have let go and dont want to pick back up. It was like He took me on scavenger hunt with clues as where to go, and I followed, all the while dealing with more issues, and still dealing with them, Im not sure I am ready actually but if I am there will be grace.

TRUST- is the issue, am I willing to trust Him? can I go there?

There was fear and now it is.....o, still FEAR! I hate fear! I am not tolerating it in my life.

My God is freakin amazing and I love Him so much, my lover, best friend and comforter!

Id be all by myself...speaking of.....'aaalllllllll bbbbbbyyyyyy myself, dont wanna be, all by myself" that was me singing that song! I love that song in Bridget Jones Diary, I have many Bridget moments in my life!

Ok oK well time for me to go to bed! I love is one of my favorite things to do!


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