Friday, September 08, 2006

i saw, i see, i am

i saw the soverignty of God. im seeing the face of God in the eyes of a child forgiving. i am seeing that anything and everything is possible. im seeing life in everything that is set in my path. im seeing beauty in all things. i am beginning to understand how important it is that my mind set is so emersed with the thoughts of God for me to live the life that i was created for. im realizing that the things around me i see, im responsible for. what i hear, what i see and what i do. im realizing that their is life in my words and death. that what i say affects the atmosphere forever. the power of my words, the power of believing. if i believe that this life that i live, was only created just to worship the creator, to love what was created, all things, and then see the fruit of that love. then that is a life worth living. faith, hope and love right? and the greatest of these is love. love is the greatest power in life. it surpasses anything else. God is love. love has the power to change anything. you cant run from it, you cant escape, it will catch you. love is everywhere, it is all throughout creation, everything that was created was created out of love. creativity can only come out of love. and if God is love and we are created in His image than we are nothing less than love. that is why we crave love, that is why it awakens the heart, the depths of your soul, it touches a place that you cant understand, bc it is the very essence of your being. you are love, i am love. we are love. if we tap into that, imagine how we can change the world around us. love, it is simple but the most powerful. that is it. just love.


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