Monday, September 04, 2006

strange night

i wake with someone's hand around the back of my neck. it was so real that i couldn t move. all that i remember is that i was in a dream walking with some friends to the house that i am currently in( it was present day in the dream) and i couldnt find my keys in my dream, and out of nowhere someone jumped out and grabbed me by the back of the neck, trying to kill me. when i woke up, i could still feel someone's hand around my neck. so i wasnt sure if i should get up and look or just stay there.

4 something am
i wake up to hearing the sound very audibly of a clock ticking: tick tick tick tick
there isnt a clock that ticks anywhere in the house. so i asked the Lord what is that? He said it was time. time for what? i asked, i just heard it was time. i didnt go back to sleep until after 5am, i heard someone in the house but i wasnt sure if was or just my imagination.

i had some other dreams, but i know they were for me to be praying for that person. it was interesting to say the least. i wanna know what he was saying it was time for?


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