Tuesday, October 03, 2006

im so glad im me.

omg...it is coming down to the wire. i am getting very excited but it also feels like my life is passing me by and im standing on the outside looking in and saying "o, look there goes my life, i wonder where it is taking me?" haha. litterally that is what i feel. (im really cold right now, temperature cold) anyways, im still in need of somethings, but i know that Papa has it all under control. omg, im laughing so hard right now, this is going to be so much fun....im so glad i live my life. man it would be boring being someone else. im so glad im me.


im living my dream.

to be passionately in love with Jesus and following Him where ever that leads me, no matter what the cost. im living it. i realized today that the very thing i was created for, the very thing that breathes life into my body, im doing. this journey called life, is the most amazing thing when living it with and for the one who created you. i was thinking about my dreams today. and i was thinking my dreams havent changed, just the priority of them. i love God, and i love life. He is my dream, He is my goal. He always has been, but in the last 3 years it has intensified. dramatically, and it seems that the more things that are thrown my way, the more i have to believe that my God, my lover, my best friend, my constant is better that He has ever been. that His goodness just keeps getting better. and it does.

im living my dreams.

im doing what i was created for, the very thing that creates my dna...

and that is to

LOVE! im living my dreams, on a Holy Spirit journey of love.


Blogger MaPaMumby said...

I'm glad you are you,too!

10/05/2006 10:04 AM  

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