Saturday, October 14, 2006


ok so here is the deal. i was in the middle of taking pictures of london, and my most amazing camera is a battery eater. so i am out of batteries, and these pictures werent that good but the only ones i got to take so far. so here we have a bridge, a smart car that is officially my newest favorite car, and then laura and i trying to take a picture of us on the double decker open bus around london, and miserably failing, it was completely zoomed in.....on me. haha. anyways, so for the rubbish pictures. hopefully you will get some great ones when we are in germany. we go to germany on monday and are there for two, what an amazing city. it is beautiful and it is timeless. it is amazing to see all the buildings that make up this entire city and it is hundreds of years old, probably more like 1000's but none the less it is old. it is beautiful, God definetly lives in this city. all i have ever heard about england is the gloom and doom, and honestly since i have been here, i have had nothing but a smile on my face and realizing that everywhere you go people are the same, all looking for one thing just in different places and that is LOVE. I love this country. so that was a discleamor for what i am about to write. so you guys know that i am enjoying myself, bc i truly am.

after my life has seemingly been taken up in a whirlwind, i have found myself not really overly excited about it. and when this first stuck me i thought i was being ungrateful, maybe it was just all to fast for me to really be excited. im now in england and on my way to germany and africa, and i find myself in that same place of not truly being excited. so im asking Papa what is this? Lord is my heart wrong? what is this? but you know what i found out, what i realised. that none of this really matters. yes, im having a great time, and im getting to live my dreams, but they arent my true dreams anymore. my dream is to just be with Jesus. im unimpressed by what i see. the only thing that impresses me is Jesus. His love for me. His love for me. that is what im impressed with. so with all that said im so grateful, and it is truly wonderful, but in comparison to Him im not impressed. and at the end of the day the only thing that matters is Him. is His love for me and my love for Him, at the end of the day He is the only thing that matters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cilla, These are great pictures, and I am thrilled that you are having such a great time, and experiecing the English!!! I am so proud to be your Mom, no really, I mean it. Hope to join you in your journey's abroad someday, and share a memory or two. Love you so much, and cannot wait to hear more.
Love, MoM

10/14/2006 5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Hey, Hey! Hey, Priscilla! This is Beth! (your brother's wife, in case you didn't know). I love your blog. It's great! Do they really say "lush"? I'm glad you are having fun. I love you and can't wait to hear how everything goes. You are in my prayers.

10/14/2006 9:21 PM  

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