Wednesday, October 18, 2006

moravians day 1, the rest of germany day 2.

this was the entrance upon arrival in germany. it says if you are british or american we dont like you, leave! haha just kidding. i actually love germany. seriously germans happen to be the sweetest people on earth. they are quite amazing and very helping. seriously they are great. we went to this cafe and had a amaretto coffee, which we were thinking it was just coffee but really it was a liqueor. so we were raging with alcohol at 11 in the morning. haha. as you can imagine after that laura trying to speak to our server in portuguese. this was just the start of our journey. so off we went to set out for our destination of herrnhut. trying to find the grave of zinzendorf and also the church. which actually was pretty easy and quite effortless considering we hadnt planned anything out and were pretty much led right to it thanks to Holy Spirit. it was amazing. here are a few pictures of the church and his grave, which we laid on and recieved all the blessings from the generations. the town was quite phenonmenal actually, very serene and beautiful. the most peaceful city you have ever been to. and scenery was just outrageous. that was day 1.

off to day 2.

we wake to have breakfast and coffee, that was actually quite delightful. then we drive into berlin. we try to get a earlier flight home but that doesnt work. laura drives off and forgets about me and brit for about 20 minutes. we finally find her totally enthralled in this book about zinzendorf. as we get in, happy to see us and tell us about the book, we are like we dont care about the dumb book you jsut forgot about us. now we(brit and I) are working throught abandonment issues and rejection. haha, now off to ikea. why ikea? well lunch. so we ate lunch and bunked up on the ikea couch for about 2 hours as if it were our home. we laughed, drank coffee, and watch telly in german. it was amazing but im sure the people wanted us out. 2 americans and 1 british person laughing hysterically at nothing. all their preconcieved ideas about foreigners were just proved to be true. after sitting for sometime we decided that it would be silly for us to be in ikea/berlin all day until our flight, so why not sight see. so we went to see the great archway of hitler, why? im not sure since we almost got shot by some nazi's and didnt get that great of pictures bc we were afraid to get out. it really felt like i was in the war. it was crazy. but we did see the berlin wall. it has graffiti all over it. after the near death experience we head for dinner, where? might you ask? well, none other than ikea. we ate dinner and went back to our trusty couch. and after laura having many blonde moments that day it made the day none other than entertaining when she decides to spin a table with glasses on it and it falls off and breaks. we dont speak german so we cant say we are sorry and just scurry out of there laughing at out stupidity, and thinking germans are coming with guns any moment to take us to jail. what an experience. but that wasnt the end of it. you would think that we wouldnt let laura make any more decisions considering all the troublesome excursions she took us on. but we follow anyways, blindly onto the plane and we all sit down and realize that we have just sat behind a 2 year old child that was demon possessed and out of control. when i spoke in tounges he seriously manifested, he hit his mom in the face and his dad had the patience of a saint. we finally get there with the parents waiting for us and we were well excited that they were driving and not laura. jesus serisouly had some warring angels fighting for our lives the last two days. laura cant drive. im well up for africa over laura driving, i'll take me chances with the tribal community any day. it was fun though and we had a ton of laughs, thanks to laura.


Blogger Browning101 said...

This is awesome!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you are having so much fun!!!!!! I love you!!!!

10/18/2006 11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updating, it is really great to hear about what you are doing, still so jealous. love your face.

10/18/2006 2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you!!

10/20/2006 4:47 PM  

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