Friday, October 06, 2006


my going away party was a very humbling experience. last night my friends threw me a party for my leaving. anyways, as people went around and told me of thier thoughts, i was brought low, and im sure that im on a path way to lower still. honestly i was really surprised to hear what people thought of me. i knew i was loved, but that loved? wow! as people who i look up to, people that i am honored to be in thier lives, told me that i inspired them, challenged them to love Jesus more, people told me that when they are around me are free to be them......whoa, that is amazing. i didnt know how i had impacted peoples lives and it was very humbling is the only word i know to use to describe the feeling of wanting to get on my knees and sit at thier feet. that is how i felt as they were telling me these things. i was honored last night and that was overwhelming. i love my friends, i love the people in my life. thank you all for loving me just the way i am. i love you and im so grateful for you in my life. so much love to you, you know who you are.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh you are so loved! and oh so amazing!

10/12/2006 2:21 AM  

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