Tuesday, October 10, 2006

im here.

well i am officially in england, and have had a proper british experience upon arrival. i land gatwick london, go thru immigration, and the lady thoroughly interrogates me. she was rude but let me thru. then, as i go to claim all my luggage, putting it on the trolley that was totally jacked up and didnt want to particpate and see me as boss, starts to go its own way and all my luggage falls off of it and completely scatters everywhere. so on to another trolley, one that actually works. so i wheel it thru to the exit and there was laura awaiting my arrival. it was so good to see her. im so glad to be in england. i love this country and i have only been here for not even a full 12 hours. lush. so laura and i head off to the rental car place and as we are entering the door (our other jacked up trolley that didnt want to work) once again all my bags tumble over leaving nothing to spare. we litterally almost weed our pants, bc it was so funny, like as to say " hi, im american and i have just entered your country." well off to the car that almost nearly didnt fit my big american luggage. hahaha we were laughing, it was funny. then, we went to meet her parents, i love them so much. they are amazing. they are my new british parents. they are so lush. if you havent been able to tell im properly trying to speak like a british person. anyways, went to a palace today that was pride and predjudice for sure, at one point i thought i was elizabeth bennet and was in the film. it was all quite surreal. we went to a couple local vilages and visited a sign that said "slow kittens" only in a small quaint english village. we herded some sheep, there are sheep every where here, it is quite amazing and they really have a milk man that delivers the milk, in milk glass bottles. omg... i love this country so far. it is amazing. after walking around the palace we head back to the car where we are walking down a hill and i proceed to fall and slip down on my butt. yeah that was funny and not long after laura telling me to be careful while laughing she slips as well. we were laughing so hard. then back to the 'rents house for dinner and her brother and brother's friend show up and it feels as if im in a british telly comedy show. it was amazing. we laughed alot, saw some sites and had a proper english day. this was an amazing day. cant wait to see what the rest of this looks like, especially if it was anything like today. full of adventure.


Blogger Mallory said...

I miss you...a lot. i love you so much, priscilla, i really do. and i'm so proud of you. my bff. forever.

10/11/2006 12:01 AM  
Blogger Mallory said...

I miss you...a lot. i love you so much, priscilla, i really do. and i'm so proud of you. my bff. forever.

10/11/2006 12:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh how i love hearing about your new adventure! Love you!

10/12/2006 2:18 AM  

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