Friday, December 22, 2006

planes, trains and automobiles

you know you are in London when you get locked in a train.

ok so last night after travelling for 36 plus hours., 20 plus in planes and airports, 5 in train stations, about 10 or so in cars and im still trying to get to Banbury. which is where i am spending christmas with lauras family. so i hop off one train to get to another. the guy gets out of where the train is run from, and i ask " is this the train going to banbury?" yes he replies. you can just get in and wait if you want it is warmer in there. so i say ok. hop in the train. there is no one there, but i wait anyways. im there for about 15 minutes and all of a sudden all the lights go out, the doors shut, and you can hear them lock. a guy walks by and locks them for the outside. i jump up, start pounding on the door, windows, frantically running thru the train pulling every emergency open for all the doors. im starting to freak out because the station is completely empty., and it is 11 at night, not a person in sight. i kinda get mad and start praying in the spirit comanding the doors to open. telling Holy Spirit i know that you can open these doors, open them. finaly after agreeing with the idea that im locked in a train for the night, i just might as well go to sleep. and also after seeing this playing out in my head, in the morning people getting on the train and here i look like im a homeless person, dirty (from africa) all my earthly belongings, i was just a bum looking for a place to crash and some how found one on the train. ..... well after that a guy walks by and i start pounding profusely on the doors again, he finally sees me and i told him to get someone to let me out. uh, yeah who does that happen to. me of course. so my first time taking trains in london by myself and i get locked in one. hahaha funny. i think it was just Holy Spirit having fun, because im sure looking down from heavens perspective it had to be very comical. i mean it was comical to me. after i had gotten out, and actually even while i was in there. only to me, is what i thought. and then i thought, and of course i have to be an american. that jsut makes us look even more ridiculious. but funny none the less. great story.


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