Sunday, December 10, 2006


my life. in this life, im not sure of much. im not sure where i'll be in 3 months. im not sure what my life will look like. im not sure if i'll ever be in africa again, although i would love to. im not sure what the next moment looks like. but i am sure of one thing, and that is God is good. I love Him and He loves me. I feel a bit sad today, the thought of leaving a lifestyle that was at first a bit like "can we get on with this" has now become a life that is simple relaxing and real. to live in community and be around people constantly can at first be a bit annoying, but as i realise that i only have a week left, it makes me sad. i have made some really good friends and some friends that have just gone a bit deeper. knowing that i go to london after this with no idea what it looks like and how long i will be there, stepping into the unknown again, the unfamilar once again. not being sure of anything but that God is good. i guess that is the place we should all be all the time, but it is scary sometimes. i know that everything will be taken care, God always does take care of things. im gonna miss this time here. i really have enjoyed my time here in africa, i thank God that i was able to do this and have this experience. im thankful that i got to spend it with the people that are here. alex and tyler have been lifesavers....hahaha all out laughs. well here i go again... stepping out. God catch me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you and good to hear how you are....a phone call is in order once you hit the UK, although I have no clue what that costs!

12/11/2006 9:47 AM  

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