Thursday, March 01, 2007


so in life......if nothing happens that is life altering, mal and i think that it would be really great to audition for the commericals to be the new std girls, yeast infections, hemrhoids, and anything in that nature. it just would be funny. so yeh, that is my beginning blog for march. so if you see us on tv saying "hi i have genital herpes. did you know that 80 percent of the time it is spread without even an outbreak. now, there is livetral. it helps to prevent it spreading to your partner" hahaha. that is funny. and then you see us throwing rocks in the river with our pertners on a nature wallk. haha. funny stuff.


Blogger Browning101 said...

I love you so much! I would totally point and yell at the tv, "I think that girl gave me herpes!!!"

3/03/2007 7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/05/2007 8:44 AM  

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