Wednesday, February 14, 2007

i know nothing.

im leaving where i am going im not sure. i want to be alone and in thought with Jesus. i want to get this thing worked out, whatever this thing is. i want to go to mexico. if i had a credit card i would put it on that, but all i have is cash saved up. and i dont have enough for the ticket. im listening to this old hymn, it is well. but im not sure that it is. is it? is it well, it surely doesnt feel like it, and i feel a bit skitso. one day im great and the next im not. what is that about. last night i couldnt sleep and my heart hurt again. i told every tormenting spirit to leave me. i came out of agreement with fear and did all what i knew to do, but it didnt help. i need help. i need Jesus, but He seems to far away right now, i keep crying out for Him but i dont hear a response from him. i keep reaching for Him but feel nothing. my eyes are searching but i see nothing. where is this lover i once would have said that i knew, and now i would say i know very little. where is this person i once called my friend. i miss Him. i miss Him very much. my heart aches, litterally with pain for Him. not lovesick, but desperation for His touch to once again invade my life. once again to experience HIm. im longing for this touch, and this time it is a longing that i have never experienced before. this goes deeper than even i knew was in me. GOOODDDDD i need you. please come. i have no preconcieved ideas, you have broken all that, i dont know what to expect anymore, so i dont expect anything. i use to have a box, that was bigger than most, but now im uncovered, broken, and naked. im exposed and im cold wanting you to cover me, but i cant find shelter. im looking but cant find any, where are you? what are you? who are you? what do you look like? because everything i use to know is shit now. i know nothing now. i know nothing. i litterally know nothing.i closer i get, the more i realise that i dont know you, and the futher away i realise that i am. im not close at all. this reality wasnt reality at all. what i know now, seems like reality. WOW..... it is well. the one thing that keeps me is that i know that you love me, and that you are good. that is it. that is all i know. all. all i know. and i dont even know that as well as i thought i did. i told you God i dont know anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest you come here for at least a visit. (You might want to wait until monday because I have the flu) But what would be better then just sitting at the feet of Jesus in a place with live worship and prayer as much as you want. There is such a spirit of wisdom and revelation here, I know it would be good for your soul.

I am praying for you my friend.
This verse came to mind as I was reading your blog:

One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. Psa 27:4

You were created to dwell in His house.

Love you!!! Please let me know how I can support you right now. I care, I care!

2/15/2007 5:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I have to comment again. I really feel like you are entering into the sermon on the mount and do not ever know it.

"Blessed are the pour in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."

The road less traveled is the road of brokenness and those who choose this road, see Christ. Be encouraged that you are tapping into what it means to be barren inside. Lack is a requirement to be filled with Him and mourning is key to knowing God. sheesh, I literally feel like I have cried almost every day for the last month since I started asking God to reveal to me the Fear of the Lord. We are empty and I have nothing to offer the Uncreated One. I do not Fear Him because I do not know Him.

I could go on and on.....but I will stop now.

Call me soon, I would love to talk.

2/15/2007 5:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just love you. a whole freakin lot.

2/15/2007 6:30 AM  
Blogger Browning101 said...

I love you so much!!!! I have been talking about you and thinking of you and ......I love you very much!!!! I'll call you tomorrow! I love you!

2/15/2007 9:56 AM  

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