Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Life in Los Angeles

Life in LA. I have been here for 3 going on 4 years now. Upon moving here I thought that I had a lot to offer The great city of angels. I had great hopes and aspirations of inspiring a generation( meaning a group of people) with faith and truth. To live a life motivated by truth, honor, integrity and love. Here I was humble and lowly, but my life would stand out and provoke the human heart and nature and change life as we know it. I was going to be a makeup artist to the stars. Or I would be discovered. Which ever came first. So, @ 27 I uprooted myself from a farm town big city called Nashville and viola, poof, magic here I was. After a few months my life in LA was not near as angelic as I had hoped. It was quite the opposite, all my demons had surfaced with an esoteric history unbeknownst to me. Not that I thought I was perfect but close to it. As all the ghosts in my closet decided to surface I was looking for a panacea, something to make it all go away to disappear never to be seen again, maybe even go back into hiding, which ever was easier. In my first months of living in LA I had self diagnosed myself with schizophrenia. One day I was sane and the next I wasn't. One day I was angelic in living and the next my demons were out. I wasn't sure which was truth, all I had to grip with slippery hands was my past, which wasn't the brilliant colors I had hoped for either, so my future nor my past was bright, and all I knew to do was go forward. I moved from Nashville, knowing that my life needed something different. So here is a little sparkle, twinkle, a light into my journey. You will find that in my future writings how my life has been truly blessed, sad, loved, happy, funny, fun, irresponsible, dangerous and completely life altering. All the way from my past, into the future and always in the present.

to be continued....


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