Wednesday, June 02, 2010


"Ehhh hmmm, excuse me... Hi my name is _______"

"Hi my name is Priscilla"

At any point this exchange happens between a man and a woman. He sees you, you see him..he comes over, you smile, he introduces himself, you introduce yourself, and if you are lucky there is a good conversation/connection that takes place. He asks for your number, you go out and it goes from there. More often than not, a second date doesn't take place. but when it does, you are hopeful that a third and fourth will come from it... and if that happens then a nice relationship will blossom.. after a 3 weeks or realise that you are completely twisted.

( I am a firm believer that it only takes a month or so, to fall in love with someone, there was a study that said 90% of men know within a month whether or not they want to marry a woman. 4 weeks, that isn't long.)

So what happens after this. How do you control your emotions, How do you show enough but not to much?

This situation has obviously happened to me. Unfortunately I have found out some information that has put our "relationship" at dead stop. Now with this new 411, and a complete stand still. I have to keep moving, let go and see what comes of it all. Are all relationships this uncertain?! I am sure that in some capacity there is always a level of uncertainty. But today there is a HUGE level. As of now, I want something that I cannot have and my heart is a little heart broken. I have to move on as if it is never going to happen. I have to become unattached from the result that I want and let go.

Expect Nothing and Accept Everything


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing better than that feeling of having met a beautiful woman that is different from all others, special and unique. You fantasize about a life with her, and how perfect it would be. How you would be a perfect husband to your perfect wife.
But then it all just abruptly ends. And you realize that there is no such thing as love, it is just an idea in your head, fed by stories in movies and music.

Emotions are our greatest weakness as humans. They corrupt our logic, and drive us to extremes.
But we just can't get rid of them. So we continue to trip on the same rock. In my opinion this "uncertainty" you feel is not your enemy, but your friend. A Friend to protect you from disappointment. And if you disagree then I envy you, and hope you convince me otherwise.

6/02/2010 10:59 PM  
Blogger priscilla said...

i totally disagree. life has proved otherwise. sorry you have been hurt.

6/04/2010 5:27 PM  

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