Tuesday, December 20, 2005

last night

well last night I had a little to much to drink.....not Jesus juice either...some lime juice and margaritas....three to be exact and since we know that I am a light weight anyways, three was just way too much for me, you could say I was pretty much wasted. Thank Jesus He loves me even in my stupidness, I didnt wake this mornng with a hangover. I feel fine.

And you know when you have too much to drink you call people you shouldnt, yeah I did that. aaaarrrrgggghhhh! What an idiot I am. thank God I didnt say to much of anything, but tell MAl to get me another margarita, and no one would tell her to get me another. that pissed me off. MAl chased me through our parking lot b/c I had my keys, and she thought I was gonna drive somewhere, but I wasnt! This time last year almost exactly I accidently(forreal) got hammered at a friends, and was sick for like 2 days so I really havent drank since b/c I remeber that experience, it was horrible, but that was when I became addicted to Americas Next Top Model. I watched it all day. Anyways, that was last night so to anyone I called and shouldnt have, if you are reading this I am sorry really, you lose all inhibitions when you drink and since I dont have much anyways drinking doesnt really suit me. I do seriously stupid things, I could go on about all my drunken party days before I was walking with Jesus or during school of ministry but I wont. those are behind me and hope to never have to relive them again. I am so glad that Jesus loves me, even in my stupidity. Once again, I am sorry for anything dumb I did last night,I hope forgiveness can be extended.Thanks.



Blogger MaPaMumby said...

You mean you really aren't coming to Canada next week? And you don't recall a thing about your upcoming marriage that we discussed and that I was going to be the m/c and all that? I guess I won't send that cheque to pay off your Visa bill either.

But I'm holding you to that cd of love songs you said you'd make for me,just like the ones you were singing for me last night. They were sweet.

You can call me anytime, drunk on Jesus or not. I love hearing your voice.

12/20/2005 1:20 PM  

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