Tuesday, December 13, 2005

mal wrote this and Im feeling it

It's about desire. Seeking the heart of sweet Jesus and then allowing him to fulfill your hearts desires...what you want and what you feel...trusting unconditionally in Holy Spirit and allowing the flow of His peace to be your stoplight. Knowing that in every moment of every minute that the Lord is moving...moving to bring and guide you into the next step. As my friend Jason Kramer once told me "Mal, when the Lord puts a lamp unto your feet it doesn't give off very much life...just enough to take you from one step to another."

A profound word from Cila---Belief is the seed of faith but its faith...FAITH...that produces fruit

So, I believe. I believe that if I do that, live in the now, feeling whatever I feel....and KNOWING...without a shadaw of a doubt that my God is walking every step with me, guiding me, leading me in the right ways...the risk, the risk that is undoubtedly there, is totally worth it.

He's worth it.

It's worth it.


Blogger MaPaMumby said...

Hey beautiful,

This makes me think of Paul who seemed to be oblivious to everything except Jesus and who was never deterred, I think because he always knew Jesus was walking with him. Not in a theoretical sense but in a real way.

It's good to be heavenly minded.


12/13/2005 7:18 PM  

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