Saturday, December 17, 2005

I cant deny

I cant deny His presence in my life, I would never want to deny it. I love Him so much my heart is totally His! But there must be more than this....

there must be more than this, o breath of God come breathe within
there must be more of this, Spirit of God we wait for you
fill us anew we pray, fill us anew we pray
consuming fire fan into flame a passion for your name
Spirit of God fall in this place Lord have your way with us
come like a rushing wind clothe us with power from on high
set the captives free, abandoned to your praise
Lord let your glory fall, Lord have your way, have your way, your way with us

there must be more than this

when Im telling God to have his way, I hear " ok, what do you want?"

So I will continue to tell Him the things in my heart and continue to give it over to Him, telling Him to have His way and I will continue to to tell Him

how I love Him....and....

ok also today was our ( a group of us) little brunch, the day we get together to do whatever it is we are doing! Something with business and that is fun!

But it is also a time where we talk about what is going on with our lives, I honestly didnt want to share b/c there is so much and very dear to my heart and very personal but I did share some thing but not what was really on my heart. I felt it not wise. But dave our mentor so to speak asked if he could pray for me and of course I was like sure. And he said something that kinda made me think like wow that is really how people look at me, it was kinda an ouch! Now I know this about myself so maybe I am being really sensitive right now, but it kinda hurt my feelings and that was not his intentions at all I know this but it still hurt. He said I was emotional, basically an emotional rollercoaster! OUCH! WOW! Is that really what you think, just tell me! I was thinking though I dont want to be that! When I hear people say things like that it makes me think " you are to much" "we cant handle that (you)" I think of when danny told me I was alot to handle, that is another ouch! I mean goodness gracious, I feel like I am just getting it from every angle. Which maybe it is true, maybe I am alot to handle, but I thought I was great, I thought I was fun and easy going for the most part, I am forgiving, and lots of other good things but that makes me think of all the bad things. ...... I mean yes I live out loud but that does not classify me as emotional does it? My emotions do not dictate my life, I am not someone who lives by thier emotions I live by the Spirit of God! Yes I have my ups and downs, mostly ups and when I am down I am down in the dumps but it never last long. But I am stable in my walk with Jesus, I have a very stable relationship with Him, it hasnt wavered, only gotten stronger! So sometimes I can be unstable in emotions but I always become level and that is what we should look at right? the overall picture! I like who I am, God made me and He loves me like crazy! I feel it everyday, and even when I dont feel it I know it everyday! I walk in it and I know I do. I am not perfect but I love my sweet sweet Jesus so freakin much I give my life to Him, I will give my life to Him everyday for the rest of my life there would be nothing to change that! He is my everything, I am lost and desperate without Him. All I want to do is grow more and more in His love and you know emotions arent bad, God gave them to us, and Love is full of all different kinds of emotions. It is part of it, part of who God created us all to be live where our hearts are! my heart has all kinds of emotions and ya know I am ok with that. As I writing this I am realizing that I was having a moment of insecurity but I am over it now, I am getting deliverance as I am writing. I am fine just that way I am. Do I need improvement? sure, we all do! But in this moment I am fine. Jesus is my love and I want more, there must be more of this sweet sweet love! More love please!


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