Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Today was a day of discovering, but I guess everyday is that. Since the holidays have hit I have been eating horrible and are starting to fill the consequences of it. So I am starting tomorrow eat all raw again except for salmon, that will be cooked unless it is sushi. So I am going hard core, I cant take it anymore, my body and face is freakin out on me. Being healthy is so important and the last few months I have put it on the back burner. But now it is going on the front on Hi.

Well I prayed for this guy on saturday and he got completely healed. He had surgery on his rotaters cuff and when I put my hand on his shoulder it bulged out and then back again, and then all the pain was gone and the guy was shocked and his face turned pale like he had just seen a ghost, it was awesome. I loved it, I also prayed for like two other people at the book store and at the movies, God was on a role and I was with Him it was great. So I was asked to start leading teams on outreach, just the way I do it, simple and fun. It is all about what holy spirit is saying, go to the movies, go read a book inthe park, go get coffee, play pool, go to a pub, do whatever He is saying and wait for Him to show up and do His thing, which we really dont have to wait b/c He goes everywhere with us. I am also going to Nova Scotia in April and get to share my heart with a youth camp and that is cool. Life is good but that is a given b/c I am amazing because my Daddy says so. And if I am amazing then how could my life not be, I am the most loved person there is. I am His FAVORITE! hahahahahahahahaaa mmmmmwwwwwwwaaaaaaaa!


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