Saturday, December 31, 2005


have you ever had a knowing, not a feeling, but a knowing! You just know something. Well in the last few days, I have had this knowing, not feeling, but a knowing that the enemy was trying to kill me, litterally! We all know that the enemy wants us dead, but how far does he go usually? Ususally just trying to steal our identity and that will kill us. But this last week I have known that he was trying to kill me in the sense of knowing that he wants me dead. I have never known or felt it, the way I have this last week. Today I almost got into a serious accident, I also ran two red lights in very big intersections, how it happened I dont know. And it wasnt bad driving, it was scary to think that I almost litterally could have died today. I really dont know how my car stopped (I know it was an angel, I saw it) but it was so wierd, b/c all week I kept seeing myself getting into a really bad accident, like unto death. It was wierd. Never before until now do I know the lengths the enemy will go to kill me. There has been other things as well, crazy stuff. I am knowing who I am more and more and he hates that. I am becoming more secure everyday in my identity in Jesus and that is scary to him, I know! I am usually a feeler, I feel everything, but lately in all the areas of my life it has been this knowing that I am talking about. I just know things, I cant describe it, it goes deeper than what I have known before. This last week, I have seen more spiritual things in my knower than I have ever experienced in the past. Maybe that is why I havent felt a peace about going to Cali, I dont know but I know that it is real. But I also know that God has my back. He has got me, I know that! I know that God is good and He is faithful in His goodness. He is good, and way better than that, and He is better than that. God is my saviour, litterally. I love Him so much, I am so glad that He has set me free, I am glad that Im living to be fully alive. I am glad that my heart is His and only His. I am glad that He continually makes me whole. And He doesnt mind doing it, I am not to much for Him to handle. He likes me! I love it! I really really do!


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