Sunday, January 01, 2006

last year, this year.

Happy New Year!

The start of a new year is always awesome, we get to start over! All the things that went wrong are over, and all the things that went right we can build on top of! It really is amazing! what an amazing thing to rebuild and build on top of life. to keep building relationships, to keep loving and loving stronger than the year before. No matter what happens you can keep the good and throw out the bad. we really can do that. it is our choice. that is cool.

In the last year I have learned that what ever it is, no matter what, if love is involved it is worth it. even if it doesnt work out the way you wanted it to. I wouldnt change anything about this last year. I have learned more about me and who I want to become more of, it keeps getting better! I love myself more and more as each day passes, maybe that is b/c of the revelation of how much Jesus loves me each day. I have learned that the only fight I have to fight is to believe, to know that GOD is GOOD! And I also learned that it wasnt a fight to believe that, b/c I really know it, I really believe that! God is Good to the core of who He is, and He doesnt know how to be anything other than what He is! to live where I am. to live in the moment of what God is doing NOW! That the moment is always NOW! God is always doing something right NOW, no matter what it is, to the smallest of things to the biggest. Ive learned that small to me is big to God and big to me is small to God! Ive learned that timing is so important, and we can change God's mind. Ive leraned that love is the most powerful thing we can do, it is the prime example of God, the core of who He is, the image we are to conform to. Ive learned that love changes everything, it has to, there is no other option when love is in the equation. Ive learned that family no matter how screwed up is amazing and a gift from God! Ive learned that the enemy cant stop the plans of the Father, only delay, and we can counteract it by believing, by having faith! Ive learned so much and much much more! This past year has been amazing! Nothing turned out the way I thought, it turned out better! I am so glad that God is in control and I am not. Ive learned that when you have gotten to the end, and have done all you know to do and you ask the question "where do you go from here?", and you hear PAPA say " Let God be God" I am learning to Let God Be God! And there is a security you find in that knowing that God will be God and you dont have to do anything! It is very relieving, to know that! Ive learned that resting in Jesus, abiding in Him is my identity, and rest doesnt look like not doing anything, it just means that rest is our identity and that is where we do works of faith, where it comes from is resting in Him, being full! Thanks Papa for an amazing year!

This year I hope to know more Love and walk in it. that love is my identity, my abiding in Him comes from this love affair with Him. I want to be in a love affair that is scandulous with Jesus! I want to be wooed like never before, just me and Jesus! I want to experience His love like I have never in the past. I dont want to be satisfied with where I am, I want more and continually want to want more. I want to really look and smell like Him. I want to go out of my comfort zone, to pour in to people and new relationships, to give away what I already have. I want to love more! I want to know that I am loved more, so I can love more. I want to go to heaven on a regular basis! I want to see more in the spirit, I just want more on all levels! I just want more! there has to be more!


Blogger MaPaMumby said...

Miss P,

I had a word for you this last week. I was out at the cabin, reading Song of Songs and had this word about love given to me, for you. I think it applies, if not, you can discard it.

"Marriage makes you prove love. Marriage puts you on the front lines of love."

When you enter marriage you step onto the front lines of the love battlefield. You will be called to prove what you say you feel.

Although this word is about marriage it applies to you now because you are preparing yourself for marriage. I won't add anymore than that. I know Jesus will talk to you about the word if it is for you.

And regarding wanting to be wooed more by Jesus, make sure you get the Song of Songs teaching by Mike Bickle, Aaron can hook you up. It's the best and it speaks directly to what you are desiring. It has been a huge revelation of Jesus for me.

Love you,

1/02/2006 12:49 PM  

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