Sunday, January 15, 2006


The last couple of days have been wierd, I have some strange dreams. I have had random people call me, and I have been dancing my ass off at work, well that isnt wierd, Listening to a lil bit of MJ, you know I have been busting it out, especially since I have had to wear lingerie like clothes, I have been an interesting sight to see. We had some new stuff come out and it was called lingerie, so we had to wear clothes that resembled that. It was great, I have had so much fun. I love my job, and the people that I work with. Tonight I prayed for the guy that works with me and he got healed, then I prayed for the girl I worked with tonight and gave her a prophetic word and she started crying it was awesome. Then another girl came in and she was going to have to have surgery on her eye b/c a growth appeared on it, I prayed for it and it started to go down. That was cool. I love praying for people and giving them a lil goodness of God's love, it is such a privledge, I love it.

Have I ever old you that I love who I am, yes, I need to improve who doesnt? But I geninuely like who I am. I like who God is creating me to be.

I hate when I have to eat my words and actions. Like when I say something to the effect of, I will never like, or never, or that isnt I am sure of it, or I hate conferences I am not get what I am saying! And then I realize that I do, or I am asked to go and it is good. And then you have to admit that you were wrong. And I am fine with admitting that I am wrong but I am finding out that others arent. And I guess I am not always fine with admitting things Ive just confessed to never doing or not liking, what is that called? O, yes pride! hhhhmmmm I have a few people in mind!

This is such a random blog, last night I had some great things to write about but I have forgotten them now, o well I guess it wasnt that important. I know this perfume is older but it is my new favorite, I love it, it is is so yummy! I know if I smelled me I would want me.......mmmmm good!

I am crazy in love with Jesus! I just love Him, that is it, I just love Him! I love thinking of Him, you know that is one of my favorite things...thinking of Jesus! It always brings a smile to my face.

I told Jesus yesterday that I wanted to laugh so hard that I was crying and it became silent and I couldnt breathe. But it didnt happen, I did laugh, I do everyday, but I wanted to laugh so hard that tears were streaming down my face and go into silent mode. I love those kinds of laughs, they are also my favorites. I love being happy and carrying the spirit of joy with me wherever I go. I like that it is contagious. I like being feet smell really bad right now...eeeeewwww.....well on that note I will go wash them, that is nasty, I dont know how that happened. They havent been sweaty, that is gross.

other smells I enjoy, i dont enjoy the smell of bad feet, but I do enjoy the smell of:

skunks..I know that is gross but I like it hahahahhaa...I am laughing my ass off at the thought of you all reading this with a look of disgust.
angel perfume
cookies baking
garlic breath...hahaha I actually really dont think it smells that bad
freshly squeezed fruit
skins of a fruit
warm vanilla candles
cinnamon candles
warm vanilla cinnamon candles
cinnamon vanilla candles
clean house
house full of lit candles
any kind of liquor....o that doesnt smell...I just like to drink any type of liquor......hahahha kidding
downy dryer sheets (vanilla lavendar) mmmmm makes my clothes smell great
last but not least........I like the smell of me, I always smell good!


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