Wednesday, April 19, 2006

always on His mind

I am always on His mind! I love knowing that! He is always thinking of me, and thinking the most beautiful thoughts. I love that no matter what we(man)do, our fallibility doesnt stop Gods soverignty of being God! That no matter what we do, God has mercy and we cant screw it up! Now that is good, and that is faithful, and that is 100% Love, 100% God. He is so in love with me, I am amazed at it! He loves me no matter what I beleive or dont believe, no matter what I risk or dont risk, He FREKIN LOVES ME! And knowing that makes me want to risk it all, believe it all, love all, trust all things, have more mercy...He dreams about me, He is always thinking of me! With His whole heart He loves me, with everything He has He loves me, though He is Holy, Worthy of all, Completely Pure, He is Righteousness, He Is, HE IS I AM, and He loves me with everything that makes Him up, with all of His Being, He loves me, there is nothing that I can do to screw it up, so with all that said I can answer that question! Is it worth the risk? my answer.....YES! I committ myself to the risk of whatever that looks like, I am sure it requires another layer of dying, but it is worth it and whatever the end result looks like it will be beautiful I am sure of it!

So Papa I ask that you keep me and extend more than enough grace for this season however long it is! I need your touch to keep my pulse going, to keep my heart alive, to keep me breathing, I need the look of your eyes burning for me, I need all that you said you have for me, all that love! I need it all, I want it all and then more than that! B/C I know that it is neverending! I need it! I want it! I am desperate for it!

your always on my mind


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