Monday, August 14, 2006

it is official... im moving

well to all my faithful friends and readers. i feel the need to let everyone know what is going on in my life. so i dont have to explain this a million times. i am moving. i did get accepted to Holy Given in mozambique, africa. i am so excited and cant wait to see what Papa has in store for me there. i have been wanting to go to africa for as long as i can remember. i will be in africa for 3 months. but my move is longer than 3 months. the Lord had put London on my heart in the fall of last year. i had several dreams about it. i wasnt sure why at the time but now i know why. in January i met a girl name laura who has since then become one of my most amazing and trusted friends. i love her dearly. she is also from london and has been in the states for the last 8 months. she is moving back in 2 weeks to prepare more for what Papa is wanting to do in london. i will be moving there also. i am way excited and the Lord in His soverignty has made it very clear this is what i am doing. i will be going to London in the beginning of October until i have to be at Holy Given. and after Holy Given i will be going back to London, to which i believe will be for a significant amount of time. we will be living in the east end of London, bethnel green. we will be living among the poor, loving them thru community. we are excited but also realizing how big this is. we need your prayers. i have 6 weeks to get everything done. i know my Papa is big and that there is always enough. so i am believing that all will be done in a super quick way and that it wont be stressful. there is still alot of things that need to happen, and it will but, seriously your prayers would be awesome. pray that we will hear Holy Spirit very clearly in the direction that things need to be done. that angels are released to do what they are suppose to do. pray for grace. pray for more finacial provision to be released, that we would meet all the people we are suppose to met. this is very exciting, my life has just completely changed in a day, and since, has been speeding up continually. we need more God encounters, so you can pray that also. it is such a God thing that has happened. our leaders are completely 100 % behind us and have recognized this as God breathing on what has been placed in our hearts. God is soverign and good. to the core of who He is, He is good. He cant be anything else but good.


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