Saturday, September 09, 2006


well last night was as beautiful as the smile on my niece. some amazing people who believe in me and the journey im about to embark on, gave me a thousands dollars towards my adventures in Jesus. loving the poor, the opressed, seeing Jesus in every person that I come into contact with. God is so good, why do we ever doubt him. last night as i sat there recieving what these freinds of mine were telling me and giving me, i heard of testimony after testimony of God's goodness and how it never fails. He never fails us. that is amazing. also my amazing friend laura calls me to tell me that we are going to germany for a penny. that was how much our flight cost. how ridiculious is that. i got so drunk yesterday off of God's goodness. even now it makes me laugh, it is comical, His goodness, i just get wasted thinking of it right now. His goodness is so full, that you cant help but to get wasted off of it, bc it is direct fruit of His love. His love is truly better than wine.

lyrics from one of my new favorite songs

no place to move no place to run
no place to hide from love
you know you're all i want now


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