Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Love for me

the new year. what is this new year bringing? well i cant answer that question. i would like to think that i could but im not sure that is possible. so i will just start with what i am thankful for. i am thankful that i am learning more and more that God loves me. no you dont get it, He really loves me. this year he let me live my dreams. he really let me live them and He paid for the whole thing. im thankful that i got to deepen friendships and love them more. when i look back on the last year i realise that i got everything i asked for last year. i got to travel and see alot of places that have been in my heart. i got to live in africa. i have always wanted to do that. i got to be in europe and spend some time there, and i get to continually go back. did i mention that i love London. it is one of my favorite places. i really love it. this last year was amazing for me. i can honestly say that it was year that if i had to do all over again i would live it completely the same. so what does that leave for this year? well im not sure and i dnt think that is one that i will figure out. all i know is that i want to live where ever i am. and i have a feeling that this year that could look like a lot of different places. so where ever i am, i want to be there. i want to enjoy every bit of my life and not worrying about what tomorrow will bring. i want to see Katieann and Kayle. i want to laugh with them and have such a good time. im on a journey having moments of revelation about what life is every step that i take. im want to learn even more, to know even more how much Papa loves me. i need to know more today then i did yesterday. i feel desperate to know more of His love for me. nothing ever turns out how i think that it will. and im learning to be ok with that.


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