Thursday, November 29, 2007


this year has been an interestng year of dating. something that i have never done before until this year. mostly because i had never been asked. but upon returning from africa and london that all changed. i had been back for 2 weeks and i had my first date, and a blind date at that. it was a "intersting" short lived dating relationship. he was a country music artist from Cali. we had a good time but he wasnt personally involved with Jesus. well a month later that all ended and we knew it wasnt going anywhere. during that time. a guy i knew found out that i was dating and got a little jealous. so we went out, but only once. he is still confused i think. haha. after that i went out with a few other guys. every time it was the same thing. bc they werent walking with Jesus, and i am.... they think im the best thing since God created man. fall in love, but im not. they arent surrendered to Jesus, to Holy Spirit. they really werent in love with me anyways, i think they were in love with the beauty of Jesus in me. anywho, to each his own. but even now in LA, im finding the same thing. guys falling in love, or so they think. and it really sucks. Here are these guys that arent walking with the God i know, but they are seeing what HE sees in me and the value that He has for me, but bc they arent walking with Him it could never go anywhere. but guys that are christians, have a personal relationship with HS dont see the value and act like girls are a dime a dozen. it is very frustrating. but i know that in the long run. God is good and always comes thru. im just writing. nothing super spiritual... just processing my surroundings with words via internet journal. all this to say there was a reason that i never dated... and i have proven my therory to be true. haha.


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