Wednesday, August 29, 2007

a story to tell

im here... with much joy exceeding the situations that have occured. haha. all i can do is laugh. even when i want to cry... all that comes out is laughter. hahahahha. even now. my face is lit with a smile. this is the story of how i got to L.A.

i left nashville drove to dallas where i was picking up a friend that i had only known for a week or two and during that week had only spent 2 days with him. so really i dont know this guy, met him at work and now im driving across the country with him. haha. that in itsself could just set you up for what this journey of living in LA will look like. haha. well get to dallas meet his family. we go to the rangers and mariners seats. that was awesome. really enjoyed that. then the next morning head out for good ol' los angeles. so first day everything is great. my car is awesome, we are having a good time...its fun. we get a hotel room...sleep together... hahaha just kidding. get up and then off we go. we are in arizona by now so all we have is about 7 hours to go. we have to cross thru the desert heat. well we are driving and no sooner do we get into california does my car overheat. i get out, a little disturbed...especially since i know that im doing exactly what Holy Spirit told me. i tell God as i walk away from the interstate 10 and my car..this is your problem and i know that you are good. send someone and do something about this. and no sooner do i turn around and walk towards my car does a man stop and have exactly what we need. a full container of anti freeze. and then tells us that he is going to LA as well and will follow us and if something happens he can just take us all the way in. well we stopped a few times and my car seemed fine. as we got closer to LA my battery light goes on. what does that mean i say? well the guy(spencer is his name) that was with me (thank you Jesus bc i would have been all alone on the side of the road) says its nothing if the car is running. ok! so we continue on this drive. we make it into LA. and as soon as we got to LA my car is telling me that it is about to stop working. all my gages stopped working and my car is dying on me. so we get off on an exit and booyah... my car is sick. but thankfully Jesus already knew and my car got towed and to a mechanic that is really nice and its getting fixed. God showed up. MY car got towed for free and i got discounted on the work of the mechanic bc i knew someone. hahaha. bc i knew the guy that i picked up in dallas. funny thing, i knew that i was suppose to pick spencer up, even though people told me i was crazy. even though i thought i was crazy for doing it but i knew that i had to. you see God does know it all and we just have to listen and obey no matter how crazy it may seem. moral of the story... dont pee your pants when ur in the desert, that just seems a little awkward and gross.


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