Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Ok so this is my tribute to Kayle!

I think it is more of a tribute to stupidity more than anything! All of my greatest friends have the dumbest moments! And in reality they are the greatest moments that stay with me for eternity!

So here it is! Kayle is freakin amazing and inspires me to love Jesus more! He is such an awesome writer! The way he can put a moment on paper and the words of that moment can change your life forever. It really is a gift! If we had kids they would be geniuses(I hope I spelled that right)hahahaha!

So one of my fondest memories of Kayle is this:

We(Katie, Kayle and myself) were in Sac visiting the anfuso's for the weekend and Kayle had the video camera! It was about 11 o'clock at night and we were walking out to the car to get our bags(I think) the point we were outside at night. And Kayle videoing, while he was walking, missed a step and fell down and on the video when you watch all you see is the moon and then the ground with a background noise of Kayle going aaaaaahhhhhhhh! And Katie and I laughing! We watched that part over and over and over....It is so funny! That weekend was so much fun! I will never forget it! AAAAhhhhhhh so many memories!

I love you Kayle. My heart has so much love for you, I don't know that you will ever know! I miss you and hope to see you again soon! We should never go 3 years again without seeing each other or I will kill you! And that would be the last time I saw you alive and we don't want that! B/C I like seeing alive! Love you tons...


Blogger kaylealive said...

Ahhhhhahahahahaha!!! So good. Let's make children anyway so we can see if they would be genuises or not. And if they were dumb, they'd still be HOT so at least they'd have one thing going for them. After all... remember that time when I told Danny and Sherry that we were going to start a family?

The memory that I think about a lot is when we were at Bill + Krystal's house and I was washing the pots from dinner. And then I shouted at the top of my lungs, "I LOVE POSHING PANS!!" and then slipped and fell to the ground.

Yeah! Three cheers to being an idiot!

10/18/2005 4:54 PM  

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