Friday, October 14, 2005

emotions are great!

In the last few moments I have been moved with compassion and tears! My heart is breaking and the question is what do we do? Tragedy is happening all over the world and peoples hope is being taken from them! The Tsunami last December, hurricane Katrina and Rita, The Earthquake in Pakistan, floods in California! All of the hundreds of thousands of people that have died or are missing and we know they are probably dead. All around the world it is in front of us and we can't turn a blind eye anymore.

The awesome thing about all of this is that the church (us) has been the one to come to the rescue! Bringing hope, love and life! It has been great and even the media and government is recognizing it for what it is. Eventually the world will turn to us for the need of life, hope and faith. Why? B/C we are the ones that carry it! We carry life(Jesus), hope(Jesus), and faith(Jesus)! We have it all in one. Jesus! I really like that. What can we do, preach the gospel, hand out bibles, tell them to get saved? No! Be the freakin gospel! Live the bible! Love them! Cry with them! Mourn with them! Laugh with them! Live with them! Be the life that they need right now! Be the Jesus that they need to see! Give them a real experience! RAW, totally real, authentic, truth! Be You! Let's love on a deeper level than ever before. Stopping for the one! I know that sounds cleche but really that is what it is about! Loving the one that is front of you right now! It will change a life, which will change another and another and so on...
Let's be real for once! It is our duty, our responsibility to re-present a real love, a real truth, a real Jesus!

I live in the south and everyone here is a" christian" and it pisses me off! If I say shit they all turn around and give me the look! But they go and get drunk every weekend purposefully and then go to church on Sunday and they are "christians" b/c they go to church! You know what if, you don't want to go to church, don't go! Be You! whoever that may be, be it! Because the love we are filled with (Jesus' Love) doesn't change! Love with no strings attached! And I love that, b/c then it frees people up to be themselves! Not phony, or fake! Isn't that awesome! It is beautiful!

Well I've gotta run...I've got to get ready for a Hot date! We are going to the movies! Maybe I will get a little smooch! j/k about the kiss! I've got a hot sexy shirt! I hope that Im hot enough!


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