Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Sense of responsibility...

Im coming to the conclusion that the older I get the greater the responsibility there is for life, to create it, protect it, fight for it and live it! What is this suppose to look like! And why is it that the word RESPONSIBILITY seems so scary besides the fact that I capitolized it! Why do people make it sound so bad! It isn't really, it is actually an honor! A priveledge that most do not assume because it is said to be scary! why? what has been driven into our pschye that it is not fun, ugly and unwanted! I was thinking about the responsibility that Jesus calls us to, as a man or a woman!For a man to be that protector, provider,a hero in a imperfect way that is beautiful.And for a woman to be sensitive, soft, delicate but strong believing in that man that he is never a disapointment and that he could never be! Bringing the two worlds together making one and the responsibility to protect that one life together and world. To protect the people that make up that life and world. Bringing the true picture of what responsibility really is....are you ready for this.....LOVE! Love is something that is scary for most people b/c it makes them go deeper than they have been willing to go! Love is for real! Real love makes feelings come up that most people don't allow themselves to feel. There is pain, happiness, sadness, joy, anger, hurt, every emotion we were made with comes with Love! Love is a mixture of them all. If I love, really love, people will see every side of me! The beautiful and the ugly! Most people are never willing to let that show. It resembles weakness to the world.But Love is beautiful, saying I am willing to be vulnerable not for myself but for you. Love entails so much that most people don't want to touch. They don't want to live there. But not living there is denying yourself of who God created you to be. There is where your heart is, where it longs to be loved and to love, to love so deeply that not even death could take it from you. But are we willing to love and live in such a vulnerable place. Do we trust that the God of the universe, master, and creator will protect that vulnerablility? Do we have faith, believe that He will fight for love? He already has and He won! We just have to go there, live there! But there is fear, fear of failure, fear that we will disappoint, that we don't have what it takes, fear we won't meet expectations! Real Love though doesn't do that! Real Love, loves without expectations! Loves with no strings attatched! I love you just the way you are, you don't have to change! All your hurt, sad days, bad days, happy days, fun days, all of your days, I love you! I assume the responsibility for creating, protecting, fighting for and living this life of Love with you. I am committed to, I am responsible for loving you as long as I LIVE! And Living is to Love. My life is dedicated to the responsibility, the priveledge to, the honor of loving you! This Love is Worth it! All of it! I want to live there! I take the responsibility of all that comes with Love!

With all that said the thought of having children myself and not just adopting is very agreeable! it doesn't sound so scary anymore!


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