Monday, November 21, 2005

friends...what does that mean?

Well the continuation of confronting my friend and knowing what "friends" means! He ended up calling me and actually apologizing for being hurtful...and not realizing that he was being hurtful. So I said that I forgave him and really that was all I wanted! But that if I knew that he thought our friendship was seasonal I would have never invested time into him, because I thought this was a friendship that was going to last for years...and my question to him was that did he really think that our friendship was seasonal...does he really believe that? b/c back in march he told me that he knew that our relationship was from the what happened from then to now and does he really believe what he just said? And then he proceeded to tell me that he cant have relationships here in nashville with people(being close to them)b/c he is living in another city and it was ridiculous to think that it could be that way! Which is understandable, but I said he then needed to communicate that and I didnt understand how it could go from "you fill a void in my life, come down here and visit" to the very next week not calling me or returning phone calls! That just doesnt make sense to me! But he made it very clear yesterday that he didnt want any type of committal relationship on any level! And that he still wanted it on his terms and that ya know that is just not going to work for me! I am not angry, hurt, sad, or have any negative emotion towards him at all. But completely feel a release from that friendship and know that I deserve better than that! I dont want someone in my life that isnt loyal or is not even willing to be or reconsider that what is going on with them and how they act effects others and is not even willing to compromise on any level! I want friends who see value on our friendship and are willing to do what it takes to be a great friend! what ever it looks like! Maybe I am asking to much, but i dont think so b/c I dont feel like I give anything less than all of myself to my friends and the people that I love!

Friends are the people that shape your life, that help you when times are rough, or laugh with you when you are an idiot, friends are people who tell you not to eat that oreo shake b/c you need to cut back on the sugar if ya know what I mean...friends are honest at all times, love you when you are not being so loveable, friends are the people who push you futher in Jesus, who make you want to give all of yourself b/c you know how it feels to be really loved b/c they love you, friends are the ones who wont let you comppromise on a guy, b/c you desreve better the very best, friends are the people who help make who you are,friends are family!

I want smeone to be my friend who has the same value on people...b/c really that is what it is! Friends..true friendship is about love and loving selflessly! And I think that scares some people (i.e. that guy)...loving someone, a friend or anyone, for that matter, really loving them, knowing that it requires something of you, that their is risk involved, it is scary to alot of people and I want someone who thinks that it is worth it on any level! I want a friend that has a mentality that thinks " I will risk it all for this one" " I will love this person with everything that I am to change my life and thiers" " they are worth it, I dont know what it looks like but I know that it is about love and you cant go wrong when you love someone b/c love never fails" Love changes everything, it has to, it cannot stay the same, Love is what is all about" This life is about loving, loving someone without motive or needing acknowledgement that you are doing it, it is just about Love. Are we willing to just love? to just love, to just love, to just love! Are we willing to put ourselves on the line to Love? Risk it all to love! lets do it! Lets live our life for one purpose and that is to live to Love!

"the greatest thing you will ever know is to love and be loved in return"


Blogger MaPaMumby said...

Amen, sister. I love you.
Pa Mumby

11/22/2005 1:06 PM  
Blogger Browning101 said...

Do I really have to wait until Thanksgiving?

11/23/2005 12:18 PM  
Blogger TYLER WARD said...

ha. i feel violated. fair enough though.

12/06/2005 5:58 PM  

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