Sunday, November 20, 2005

hurtful things of the day....

so I confronted a "friend" today on somethings that have been happening between us and it ended up being a little more hurtful than I expected! I started out by saying that I was sorry for placing judgements on him about his intentions about our friendship! He said ok that he excepted and forgave me! And then proceeded to ask me if there was any confronting that needed to take place....and I proceeded to tell him yes and tell him that I felt hurt and he just sat there saying that some friendships are seasonal...basically saying that I use to place value on you and now I dont! WOW! not what I expected!He didnt even apologize...not even a sorry I hurt you or that you feel that way! I dont know that we ever really had a friendship...more lke a spring flingshit! Here I was investing in a friendship that i thought would last for years and I look back and see that I have wasted a part of me! nine that makes my eyes tear up! something that I thought was mutual, fun, exciting, enjoyable, and had placed alot of value on has turned out like this! That is sad not just for him but me too! I deserve to be treated better and he is better than what he has treated me! There is gold in him I have seen it and see it, he just isnt letting it shine right now and that is a bummer for him! He is missing out on a great friend! I would have been one of the greatest friends to him! would make him laugh alot and pushed him further in the Lord and show him how to live life like he has never before dreamed! I am bad he never saw it! oh well such is and learn right? right! forgive and move on! I want to walk in forgiveness and love...vent about it and move on! Love people even when hurtful things are done to you! I want to be love! I want to always extend love even when I dont feel like it! It really is all about love! I want to ooze love! so with all those things said....I still love him like Papa does! I actually feel bad for him! He needs to know more of Papa's love! so I hope that I can extend that to him! And show love even when he is not! Be love and compassion...I think he is of those people who dont how do live in thier heart! But one day he will know how and it will change his life! I hope that day is soon for his sake...then he will be free!


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