Wednesday, November 09, 2005

weird things happen to me

Ok so I went to look at this place today and of course I always get weird men attracted to me! This guy which would have been my landlord, is checking me out and not using discretion at all! you would have thought I was naked, and I would have like to been b/c it was so nice outside, but not in front of him! He really wanted me to live there, it was on his property by his house in the middle of nowhere, which I thought would have been nice b/c he has horses which I love and use to ride so it seemed ideal but he was a pervert, it wasn't pertruding off of him but it was one of the subtle ones, those are the ones you should worry about! anyways, I think it was a God thing b/c other people were out there and he got the days mixed up thinking I was coming tomorrow which no one would have been out there! And it is far out there! No one would have heard me scream! there is more weirdness but not to write about, that was my day!

well part of it, I really want to see Danny and Sheri right now! I love them and just want a great big pop and mom hugs! I love them tons. MY niece and nephew are here and it is fun being around them b/c I am the cool aunt! They absolutely love me and I them! Who knew you could love a child so much! It was a surprise to me! well other weird things happen to me like weird thing number two:

I was in the grocery store with Mallory and we asked this guy where the hummus was and he brought us to it and then proceeded to rub my leg and boot and start to tell me that it made him think of "the shining" etc... and then I just stare at him with this look like what the hell are you doing rubbing my freakin leg? And then I ask him who are you? and he thinking I am serious about wanting to know who he is, trys to tell me in the meanwhile Mallory is laughing hysterically! Yeah it was pretty funny! But super weird!

ok there are more but I am done typing seeing how I dont type that well in the first place!!!!


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